.. _field-0.2.0: Field - extract fields from a file ================================== I recently put the final touches on a python project I've been working on since February, and I am happy to announce the *0.2.0* release of field! `field`_ is a command-line application for extracting fields from files. It was written to be a simpler version of ``awk '{ print COLUMN; ... }'``, and address some of the shortcomings of `cut`_, such as field ordering, whitespace squashing, and repeated output. Examples -------- Extract the user, pid, cpu percent, and command from ``ps``:: $ ps ux | field 1-3 11 | column -t USER PID %CPU COMMAND bramwelt 2157 0.0 /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon bramwelt 2161 0.0 i3 bramwelt 2195 0.0 xscreensaver bramwelt 2196 0.0 nm-applet ... Extract pid, cpu percent, pid, and command (in that order):: $ ps ux | field 2,3,1,11 | column -t PID %CPU USER COMMAND 2157 0.0 bramwelt /usr/bin/gnome-keyring-daemon 2161 0.0 bramwelt i3 2195 0.0 bramwelt xscreensaver 2196 0.0 bramwelt nm-applet ... Extract user, shell, homedir, uid and gid from ``/etc/passwd`` using *':'* as the delimiter:: $ field -f /etc/passwd -d':' 1 7-6 4,3 | column -t root /bin/bash /root 0 0 daemon /usr/sbin/nologin /usr/sbin 1 1 bin /usr/sbin/nologin /bin 2 2 sys /usr/sbin/nologin /dev 3 3 sync /bin/sync /bin 65534 4 ... Further examples can be found in field's manpage. Download -------- `field`_ can be installed using pip:: virtualenv field && source field/bin/activate pip install field For a site-wide install, use:: sudo pip install field Contributing ------------ Field is free software and licensed under the GLPv3 (*or later*). The source can be found on `github`_. If you find any bugs or would like to suggest improvements, please submit an `issue`_ and I'll do my best to address it! .. _cut: https://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/rejected_requests.html .. _github: https://github.com/bramwelt/field .. _issue: https://github.com/bramwelt/field/issues .. _field: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/field